Romans were told which colour of toga to wear depending on the occasion: It was the law for all citizens to wear togas for public events and standard togas had to be white. Togas were expensive because of how much material was needed to make them. Some Romans would sew lead weights into the hem of their togas to help it hang properly. The toga was shaped in a semi-circle and the material was draped around the body and over one arm. Togas were made of wool and were very large – sometimes as wide as 3.5 metres. In the beginning, togas were worn on their own, but over time it became normal to wear a simple tunic beneath the toga.

Only free male citizens of Rome were allowed to wear a toga. This was like a wide shawl draped over the shoulder and wrapped around their body. A cloak was also worn by Roman men over their tunic.

In cold weather, men would often wear more than one tunic. These could be either sleeveless or short-sleeved. Roman men would usually wear a knee-length tunic called a chilton which came down to the knees. Washing clothes could be done with either a chemical called sulphur or urine. Washing clothes was difficult in ancient Rome because they did not have a washing machine or soap powder in those days. The wool was spun into cloth by the women in the family. Silk was very expensive and could only be afforded by the rich. The style of Roman clothing was influenced by the Ancient Greeks and evolved over time to incorporate styles and costume from across the Roman Empire.Ĭlothes were commonly made of wool and occasionally linens like silk and cotton were imported. For more facts and information about Roman clothing, see below. Roman clothing was heavily influenced by the Ancient Greeks and evolved throughout the history of Rome to incorporate many other styles from across the empire. Download the Roman Clothes Facts & Worksheets.