
Download mods from steam workshop without game
Download mods from steam workshop without game

download mods from steam workshop without game

AppData may be hidden, but Windows users can see hidden folders by clicking "View" on the top bar, then "Show," and then checking "Hidden Items." For Windows, the default location is C:/Users//AppData/Local/Colossal Order/Cities_Skylines. Once players have a mod on their PCs, they'll need to install it in the right location. Then there are less popular websites where players can find mods, but it's important to always be cautious when downloading anything from an untrusted source. The Paradox Interactive website also has mods available, though they also need users to register. Users will have to register an account to download anything, but registration is free. Nexus Mods has a database of mods for an incredible variety of games, Cities included.

download mods from steam workshop without game

Still, PC owners can get mods for Cities: Skylines even if they don't use Steam. The game is also available on the Epic Games Store, but Epic doesn't have its own version of the Steam Workshop. Both the Xbox and PlayStation versions of Cities: Skylines don't have full mod support, since creating content for these platforms requires an expensive set of developer's tools and not just a PC with a decent processor. Not every platform is as friendly to third-party mods as Steam. To remover a subscription, players can check their subscribed items and unsubscribe from them. When this happens, Steam will automatically download the latest version of a mod or helpfully warn players that an older mod might not work with the current game version. The reason the button is called "Subscribe" instead of "Download" is because games can update and mod developers can fine-tune their creations. If a mod needs other mods to work, the workshop will also show this list. If a mod needs a DLC to work, the workshop will say so with a big purple banner above the Subscribe button and show the DLCs needed on the right. To download a mod, click on its name and hit the Subscribe button. The workshop even has save games that show how other players have used the game to recreate cities both real and fictional. This will bring players to a massive library of mods they can browse to find new assets, maps, game mods, building themes, and more. Simply go to the Cities: Skylines game page in the Library and click on the word "Workshop" that sits just below the Play button. By far the easiest way to find and download mods is through the Steam Workshop.

Download mods from steam workshop without game