Under the accounts menu, select "Create an account.".To connect to an FTP server and use FireFTP to transfer files:.When FireFox re-opens select Tools from the toolbar.Make sure you have successfully restarted Firefox after installation otherwise FireFTP will not be fully installed.Go to your menu bar and click Tools->FireFTP.Firefox might display a thin yellow bar at the top saying that it has blocked installation – you will need to click on the button on the far right to add FireFTP to your "white list" of sites that you approve of. You need to let the page finish loading in order to click the Install link (do not click on the Stop button).To install FireFTP, go to and click on the 'Download FireFTP' link on the main page.It was not created as a standalone program, but as an extension to the Firefox browser. First of all, you need Firefox to run FireFTP.

** The images below are from a Windows computer, but because this application is web-based, these instructions apply to both Windows and Mac.