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Pac-Man - Block Out rom 4-in-1 rom 688 Attack Sub rom 777 Casino rom A Bug's Life rom A Ressha de Gyoukou MD rom Aa Harimadana rom AAAHH!!! Real Monsters rom Action 52 rom Activator Command Demo 30 Hz rom Activator Command Demo 60 Hz rom Addams Family Values rom Addams Family, The rom Advanced Daisenryaku rom Advanced Daisenryaku English rom Adventures of Batman and Robin, The rom Adventures of Mighty Max, The rom Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The rom Aero the Acro-Bat rom Aero the Acro-Bat 2 rom Aerobiz rom Aerobiz Supersonic rom After Burner II rom Air Buster rom Air Diver rom Aladdin rom Aladdin II rom Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle rom Alien 3 rom Alien Soldier rom Alien Storm rom Alisia Dragoon rom Altered Beast rom American Gladiators rom Amy Rose in Sonic 1 rom Andre Agassi Tennis rom Animaniacs rom Another World rom Aq Renkan Awa rom Aquatic Games - Starring James Pond, The rom Arcade Classics rom Arch Rivals rom Arcus Odyssey rom Ariel - The Little Mermaid rom Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf rom Arrow Flash rom Art Alive rom Art of Fighting rom Asterix and the Great Rescue rom Asterix and the Power of The Gods rom Atomic Robo-Kid rom Atomic Runner rom ATP Tour Championship Tennis rom Australian Rugby League rom Awesome Possum rom Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II rom B.O.B. Soccer - World Cup 92 rom 3-in-1 Road Rash - Ms. The sound effects in the sound test have been recorded as one track although every individual sound effect has its own title.These are backup download links from .ġ2-in-1 rom 16 Tiles Mahjong rom 3 Ninjas Kick Back rom 3-in-1 Flashback - World Champ. Track order and titles are based on the sound test and the VGM packs available at Zophar's Domain and project2612.

download daze before christmas sega genesis

Unknown Track 1 and Unknown Track 2 were recorded by playing VGM files on the Mega Drive. All tracks except Unknown Track 1 and Unknown Track 2 were recorded from the game's sound test in the options menu. All tracks were recorded at 96 KHz 24-bit using a Sound BlasterX G5 sound card and the stereo headphones jack located at the front of the Mega Drive. This soundtrack was recorded from a real SEGA Mega Drive (PAL, Model 1, VA4) using a Mega Everdrive X3 cartridge.

Download daze before christmas sega genesis